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The information below is from the Duval County  Elections Website:



Online voter registration (OVR) is now available in Florida. You will need a FL Drivers License or ID, and the last 4 (four) of your Social Security to use Online Voter Registration.







You may register in person Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Supervisor of Elections Office, 105 East Monroe Street.  You may also complete a voter registration application at any branch of the Jacksonville Public Library.  For additional locations, registration forms or information on voter registration call 630-1414. If you are registering for the first time, you must register 29 days prior to the election.  After you have registered you will receive a voter information card in the mail.


To register to vote you must:

  • be a United States citizen

  • be a resident of Duval County

  • be 18 years old (you may pre-register if you are 16)

  • not now be adjudicated mentally incapacitated with respect to voting

  • not have been convicted of a felony without your civil rights having been restored

  • not claim the right to vote in another county or state


Where to register:

  • Drivers Licenses Offices

  • Public Assistance Offices

  • Public Libraries

  • Election Office

  • Tax Collector’s Offices


Updating your registration record:

You may complete this Florida Voter Registration Form, print, sign and mail it to us to update your information. Name and party changes must be made in writing by using the form or by other written means, provided the notice is signed and contains your date of birth or voter registration number. Because Florida is a closed primary state, all party changes for a primary election must be made by the registration deadline which is 29 days before the primary election. Address changes within the state may be made via telephone or email. Send your address change to


Updating your signature:

You must submit signature updates using the Florida Voter Registration Form. In order for the signature update to be used for signature comparisons in canvassing absentee and provisional ballots, the update must be received before canvassing of absentee ballots begins. Canvassing may begin as early as 22 days before an election.


Spanish Florida Voter Registration Form





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