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  • Cost to join in your first year is $30.00 plus a one-time fee of $10.00 for your name badge.

  • Renewal for your second year is $30.00.

Would you like to make a donation to help Democratic Women in Duval make a difference?


DWIN will greatly appreciate the donation of your time, your money, OR your treasure!


If you are wanting to share your money via a donation, please use the yellow "Donate" button above! 


You may also mail a check to us at:  DWIN, Inc. c/o Ms. Velma Rounsville, Treasurer, P.O. Box 41365

Jacksonville, FL 32203


If you would like to donate useful items to us, here is a partial list of items we are in constant need of:


  • Copy paper

  • Pens, paper clips

  • Scissors, markers

  • Plastic drinking cups

  • Video camera

  • Digital camera

  • Smart phone

  • Paper napkins, plates

  • Bottled water (small)

  • Name tags 

  • Printing services

  • IT services

  • Gift cards from Office Depot, Target, Walmart



We realize that folks have busy jobs, families, and fun stuff to do every day!


Although we would love to have you engage with us all the time, we realize this is not possible.  We have a need for volunteers in a number of very specific areas, and we also have a need for volunteers for ongoing projects like voter registration.  We want you to be able to choose your level of participation easily!


Here are our short-term (or micro-volunteer) opportunities for those of you who can only spend a small amount of time being productive for us:


  • Data Analyst:  someone who likes to compile data for us as we gather it to measure progress (1-2 hours per month)

  • Gratitude Dispenser:  someone to handwrite thank you notes, cards, and invites (1-2 hours per month)

  • Newsletter Assistant:  someone to help the President assemble items for the monthly Newsletter (2-4 hours per month)

  • Protest Artists:  Folks with creativity and good penmanship who can make signs for public events with catchy phrases (2-3 hours per month)

  • If you have a particular talent that might be useful to us, please let us know!!



Annual Membership Dues $30.

Name Badge (required 1 time) $10.


Contact: DWIN Membership Director, Deborah Brill by email at:


DWIN was chartered in 2003 by the Democratic Women’s Club of Florida (DWCF) 

and the National Federation of Democratic Women (NFDW)




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